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The Jarrette M. Pittman Law firm serves the community in the areas of criminal, family, and estate law.
JP Law has represented individuals in a variety of cases ranging from traffic violations to drug violations. All people have the right to an attorney in order to obtain the best outcome. Know that we are qualified and equipped to serve you.
Our services include, but are not limited to:
Possession of Illegal Substance
Theft Crimes
The team at Jarrette Pittman Law is dedicated to keeping family first. Our experience in family law, ranges from prenuptial agreements to divorces and child custody. When you engage with our team, we'll help you resolve your situation in a professional, respectful, and prompt manner.
No matter the circumstance, you can trust our legal services and representation.
Some of our most common family law services include:
Child Custody
Child Support
Prenuptial Agreements
Postnuptial Agreements
Post Separation Support
Separation and Property Settlement Agreements
Property Divisions
Equitable Distribution
Alienation of Affections
We handle the Estate Planning requirements of North Carolina, including personal planning needs. We assist in the management of wills, trusts, and estates, and can help you determine and implement the best means to meet your goals.
Our services include, but are not limited to:
Trust Attorney
Durable Power of Attorney
Living Wills
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